Hello Reader,
Since you’ve navigated to this page, here’s a little bit about me. By profession, I am a mid senior level sales professional!
Writing has been my most consistent hobby, ever since I was 9-10 years old kid. When I was in 2nd standard (now fancily called 2nd grade), there was a compulsory poetry writing contest in my school and my mother wrote a poem for me, titled “Mother”. My only talent there was that I mugged it up in one night and went and wrote it on the day of the competition. I won 1st Prize for that and enjoyed unlimited attention from teachers and fellow schoolmates. Come summer vacation and I thought of attempting my first poem all by myself, and so “Why I like Summer Season… ” got composed. It started somewhat like, “Why I like summer season, do you want to know the reason?” I can’t tell you how happy I was that I came up with two lines, rhyming! Thereon, I developed a natural liking for poetry, good stories and languages in general. For years after that, I kept writing poems and small stories, thanks to my dad’s office typewriter, there are still records of some of them.
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However, as I grew up in a conventional middle class family in Nagpur, the only way to earn money and lifestyle was studying Engineering. I somehow sailed through those four years, but drew a lot of real life learning from the innumerable events I worked on and teams built and worked with. Most of my classmates were getting into IT Jobs. Somehow, the idea of working at a desk inside an air-conditioned concrete structure didn’t excite me. I had also seen and heard from my sister (who used to work with Satyam Computers, Hyderabad) about how an IT Professional’s routine is. I thought of learning management and soon after, completed my MBA in Marketing.
The only constant in my life, apart from my immediate family, has been writing. Although due to changing circumstances and an ever changing me, the scope of this hobby has also changed. Poetry and Short Stories became one-liners and small messages for Orkut Scraps, Facebook & WhatsApp Status messages. Few years ago, I thought of picking up writing again and made this blog. Again, being too preoccupied with thoughts and work timings and work pressure, I haven’t been able to devote as much time as I want to. The efforts will continue and I hope that someday, more and more people are able to relate to my writing and my thoughts.
Through this blog, I am only looking to express my opinions and experiences, preferably through examples and stories. Thus, “abhinavspeaks.in” 🙂
— Abhinav Lanjewar
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