The day of Holi…
Abir and Nagesh, two good friends, had planned to catch up for some Coffee and decided to meet at a nearby park.
Abir reached the park and was waiting for Nagesh to arrive. Abir was deeply engrossed in doing something on his mobile phone.
Suddenly, Nagesh came from behind and enthusiastically applied color on Abir’s face and screamed, “Yayyy! bura na maano Holi hai!!!”
Abir was shocked and honestly, a little annoyed.
Abir: Dude, what the …. ?!
Nagesh: Hey, chill man… It’s the Holi! Was just trying to have some fun!
A: Annoying me is fun for you?
N: You’re getting it wrong dude. Come on, it’s Holi… I think this is fun, and it’s allowed today!
** An awkward pause of few seconds **
Abir composed himself, and…
A: By the way, how’re you handling your break up with Vanshika? You tried calling her almost everyday since you broke up last week? What happened? No answer? Get over her man! have some self respect!
N: Dude, I told you that I don’t like talking about it. Then why are you…
A: I think it’s fun!
N: Well, it’s not!
A: It is for me!
N: No dude, it’s not… And you know it!
A: And you know since years Nagi, that I don’t like playing with Holi colors. I practically hate it! Then why did you do that?
N: Ok fine! But in retaliation, why are you attacking me on something that is so sensitive and personal to me?
A: Well, in some way, you did too. You shocked me by applying colors on my face, without my knowledge and consent; and this inspite of knowing how much I hate playing with colors. So, ok you are a close friend, but objectively speaking… You did invade my personal space without my consent!
** Awkward silence again **
Abir: Look Nagi, I know what I said is mean and it was never my intent to hurt you! But I hope you get the message here. And I hope you remember how much I have always hated the idea of forcibly applying colors in the name of Holi. And don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating a “Save Water” propaganda here. But touching and rubbing people’s personal space forcibly in the name of a festival, without their wish and consent is disrespectful according to me, dude! And look, I know we have different perspectives on this and I don’t want you to change yours. I just want you to respect mine.
Nagesh gives an awkward smile and a small nod, looking down in embarrassment.
Abir holds Nagesh by his shoulders and apologises again for his comments on Nagesh’s breakup.
They sit on one bike and leave for coffee.
** End of Story **

Let’s be respectful and considerate. Playing with colors will be considered celebration only if both the parties involved enjoy the act. Else, it’s bullying…
Women are often told not to step out of house on the day of the Holi. It’s because of some hooligans who consider it ‘celebrating their festival’ to target and rub colors on random unknown people!
This Holi, don’t be and stop people from being a ‘Holi-gan’. And if you come across one, Bura Na Maano!
Wishing you and your dear ones a very happy festival of Holi!