Pritam, the HR head of an Organisation, was having this chat with his friend Vishnu, also heading HR function in another Organisation.
Pritam: There is an employee, who just completed about 6 months, and we came to know that one of the employments he has shown, is fake! Turns out that there’s an employment gap of a year in his career and he covered that gap with a fake employment on his CV.
Vishnu: How did you come to know about it?
Pritam: Looking at the quality of his work and while having conversations with him about his past employment and education some of our team members suspected that there may be something wrong. So I reached out to one of the BGV vendors and got his profile verified.
Vishnu: Why didn’t you do it during his Onboarding ?
Pritam: It has a considerable cost!
Vishnu: What are you going to do with the employee now?
Pritam: I’ll fire him!
Vishnu: Ok. So with all the training cost, the amount of time and effort your people have invested in him, salary, etc… how much did the employee cost you now?
** Getting Candidate Background Verification and KYC done are like buying vehicle insurance. It seems like a useless cost until the time and situation to claim it comes!