It’s been months since we started getting affected by Covid – 19. The growth of virus spread from the month of March till today has been extremely shocking and almost no country’s medical infrastructure in the world was ever prepared to handle the spread efficiently! The statistic in India till yesterday afternoon was as follows:
- Total Cases: 28,58,346
- Recovered: 21,15,054
- Deaths: 54,245
However, the worry factor of the citizens has surprisingly been inversely proportional, something like exhibited below:

Disheartening, right? Another disheartening stat: As per data released by private think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), nearly 1.9 Crore salaried Indians lost their jobs since April 2020. Just imagine the number of lives and families affected by this! (I got this update on 19th August, 2020). Refer screenshot of the news received below:

Obviously, people are hard-hunting for jobs everywhere; personal references, job portals, LinkedIn, etc. We have to, right?
I have been coming across a lot of posts by job seekers on LinkedIn, who have been laid off since a while now and are more than desperate to start working anywhere! They are asking their network and beyond for references to matching opportunities or least, for a like, so that their post reaches more people on LinkedIn! Ok, while it’s not debatable that these job seekers are in a very bad situation; how many of us would agree that the ones in confusion are having sleepless nights too or more so, how many of us are in a situation where we are not sure when would our organisation tell us to leave? It has happened to so many people around us – that they sleep in peace one night and the next morning, they get a call from their supervisor that the organisation will have to let them to go and that they are sorry!
I understand! The organisations are not to be totally blamed here, but for the ones whose organisations have not yet shown the door but they can’t even be sure about when the day might come, what should they do?
Should they try and start leveraging their LinkedIn network openly to seek further opportunities?
Or will the organisations quickly judge them and see them as disloyal or someone who’s anyways not going to stay and hence, fire them?
I was just pondering on these thoughts and I came across another post on LinkedIn, where a gentleman was sharing a job opportunity to his network, wherein he wrote the following (Refer below screenshot of the original message, so that it’s quoted as it is:

Well, alright… Good thought! But can these organisations guarantee any of their employees that they’ll not kick their employees out, leaving them running from door to door, eventually landing nowhere?
Influencers from various organisations have been talking about mental health and been enthusiastically conducting live sessions and webinars, talking about the same. But how many of these guys or organisations have actually cared for the mental health of their own employees?
The intent of the above write up is not to highlight anybody or any organisation as a villain here. But as much as all of us as employees need to be prepared for the unpredictable situations in the times ahead, even organisations should let their employees keep their options open; or else, organisations may shoot a written commitment to their favourite employees and secure their loyalty!
Now read the caption of the article again! 🙂
Very well written.
No, we should not. I think that no employer in this critical situation will think of another persons , or say his employees(baring some fav). No body is sure at this moment how long this situations continues. He is also not sure whether he will be able to help his employees in near future. The bread earners has to dare to step out in search of jobs. Hence in such bad situations both shoul have their liberties without a negative approach.
Good read, nicely written..!