The Covid-19 Pandemic has forced organisations across the globe to adopt Work from Home as a core practice in their organisation’s culture. “Honestly, Work from Home is utter rubbish, it doesn’t work…”, said my manager, from one of my previous organisations. A little background here… I used to stay in Kharghar (a part of Navi…
Tag: Covid 19
My Encounter with Covid-19!
I understand that you guys have been hearing, reading and watching way too much about Covid-19. I understand, the moment you hear the word Covid-19, what follows after that may be just Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah! But if you choose to read on, the below article may provide you some insights and may be…
Should You Really Be Blindly Loyal Towards Your Employer???
It’s been months since we started getting affected by Covid – 19. The growth of virus spread from the month of March till today has been extremely shocking and almost no country’s medical infrastructure in the world was ever prepared to handle the spread efficiently! The statistic in India till yesterday afternoon was as follows:…
Troll Brigade… (Not) So Cool!
It’s been around 4 to 5 months now, since we started experiencing a 180 degree shift in our lifestyles due to the introduction of Covid-19 in our world. By now, it has affected most of us in ways, both positive as well as negative. Few of us caught up with our long lost hobbies or…
Yet Another Distancing…
Covid-19 hasn’t left any stone unturned in transforming our lives from where we were about a couple of months ago. Social Distancing sure has become a new normal. We are being suggested that even after the lockdown and further restrictions are eased, we should come in contact with as lesser number of people as possible,…
The Guests at My Door…
This was around 18-20 years ago. It was a cold and windy winter night in my hometown, Nagpur. My parents and my elder sister were in Pune for 3-4 days, where they had to attend some relative’s wedding functions. I had, for the first time, insisted on staying back as I wanted to explore how did…
डरना नहीं है!
सुनो दोस्तों एक बात कहनी थी, उसके बारे में जो एक दिन आया,और जिसने सारे किस्से-कहानियों के परे एक बात सिखाई है,के डरना नहीं है..लेकिन घर से बाहर निकलकर उसका सामना करना नहीं है। हर दिन मानो एक नया तूफान था।पढ़ाई-लिखाई वालों के इम्तहान,तो दफ्तर में क्या होगा इसका ना हमें अनुमान था।हमेशा हमसे हर…
Corona – Stay Safe and Reboot!
It’s been just a little less than 100 days since a major part of the world has been discussing about one thing – Covid 19, i.e. Corona Virus Disease. As we all know, it broke out in Wuhan, China. Irrespective of this fact, it started affecting the whole world. Name a country and yes, it…